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Healthy Vegan & Herbal Online Chocolate Making Class

Earth Sweet Boutique


Healthy Vegan & Herbal Chocolate Making

Recipe PDF and link to the prerecorded class will be provided to you via email following your purchase. 

Shop Chocolate Class Ingredients Here

Don’t feel guilty about chocolate, use real cacao and ingredients that are actually good for you! Learn how to make healthy, milk-free chocolates without processed sugar, wax, artificial dyes or preservatives.

In this class you will see how easy it is to make your own chocolate and add healthy ingredients like powdered herbs and essential oils that boost your immune system and calm your nerves. The flavors are amazing and you get to control ALL of the ingredients that go into your chocolate!

You’ll make white chocolate that actually tastes like something besides sugar and truffles with rosehip powder full of vitamin C or fruity elderberries to boost immunity.

How about Chocolate bark with toasted coconut, crystalized ginger, hibiscus, roses and cranberries?  Truffles with creamy cashew butter for extra protein or lemon essential oil and lemon balm for calm nerves.

You’ll make beautiful, yummy, healthy chocolate! Plus, I will add some recipes for healthy peanut butter and coconut Easter eggs using all natural, herbal colorants!

Here are the vegan recipes you will receive:

Dark Chocolate Truffles
White Chocolate Bark
Dark Chocolate Bark with many topping options
Turmeric & Orange Essential oil Bark with Goji Berries, Roses & Pistachios
Homemade Peanut Butter Eggs
Homemade Coconut Eggs with herbal colorants
Basic White Chocolate Recipe

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