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Detox Cleanse Tincture

Wish Garden


Our modern environment has become increasingly more toxic. Herbs can be a powerful part of your cleansing strategy. WishGarden Herbs' Detox Cleanse Tune-Up supports natural cleansing and cellular health.

This artisan formula is a nutritive and gentle detox for healthy liver and kidneys. Use in-the-moment or during a cleansing protocol to help restore vitality. Detox Cleanse Tune-Up is not to be taken while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Suggested Use: 
  • Immediate Support: 6-8 pumps in water or juice every 2-4 hours for 1-2 days, then taper off to 3-4 times per day for a few more days 
  • Longer Term Support: 6 pumps 1-3 times per day for 2-3 weeks or up to 2 months
  • Get the gunk out!
  • Streamline and cleanse.
  • Nourishing and gentle.
  • Gluten-free and Vegan.
  • Convenient 2oz Pump Top Bottle

Take a Look at the Rest of Our Herbal Tinctures Here

Ingredient List:

Cleavers aerials, Nettle leaf, Bladderwrack frond, Burdock root, Chickweed aerials, Fennel Seed, Oregon Grape root, Dandelion leaf & root, Rocky Mountain artesian spring water, organic gluten-free alcohol, vegetable glycerin.

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