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Peaches, honey & Peanut Butter Toast

By Crystal Baldwin

Palisade Peaches are in season here in favorite time of year!  

There are so many things to do with peaches!

  • Peach Pie
  • Peach Cobbler
  • Peaches & Pancakes
  • Peach Crumb Cake
  • Peach Cocktails
  • Peach Smoothies
  • Peach Ice Cream
  • Peach Salsa

And so much more!!   But, one of my very favorite, simple things to do with peaches is to make one of my childhood favorites - Peaches, honey and peanut butter toast. 

My Mom loved to make easy, yummy things while raising four kids and since breakfast was the first meal of the day, making it easy to get us out the door in the morning was the name of the game.  What is easier than toast?

This open face toast is a bit messy but oh so good!  Sit back and enjoy having sticky lips from the honey and peach juice drizzle down your ching- YUM! 

Peaches, honey & Peanut Butter Toast Recipe


  • 1 small peach, peeled and sliced
  • 2 tablespoons Peanut Butter (or more to your taste)
  • 1 piece of toast of choice
  • Drizzle of honey 


1. Peel and slice your peach and set aside

2. Toast your bread 

3. Add Peanut Butter to warm toast (gets it nicely melted)

4. Lay peach slices on top of your toast

5. Drizzle with honey

Get a napkin and enjoy this sweet, gooey summer pleasure!


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